When you purchase the Single Session Package you will receive a link to download the following:
Unlike the #1 Premier Preparation Package where I write your 5 points for you, I provide you with a template for you to write your own 5 points.
I use five points - hoping that you have 5 fingers - to keep you focused. In the event that you go "blank" when you walk into that interview room you can grab onto those five fingers and remember your five points. Many have told me that very thing happened to them - they went blank - kind of like a "deer caught in headlights."
The Basic Preparation Package = One hundred and twenty minutes ( 2 hours) total of coaching with me (you do have the option of splitting into two sessions ). First session 75 minutes, Second session 45 minutes. I will walk you through the template provided so that you can write your own “5 points.” I will also critique all of your stories that you send me.
After the session you will be sent a link to download an audio recording that you can listen to so you will not have to take notes.
The emphasis of the FBI interview is on Behavioral Questions - other agencies are now using the FBI method to interview candidates - DEA, AIR MARSHALS - other agencies use half situational and half behavioral.
I teach you techniques to answer the "behavioral questions" with a complete story. This is a technique that is very important in this particular interview. In fact, the way you tell your "stories" is the key to passing this interview. By the time we have completed our work together you WILL be able to tell a good story. I'm really tough on this point.
I also help you with the situational questions -there are fewer of this type of question. These questions would be scenarios such as..."What would you do if...? (The FBI has stopped using "situational questions" ) - but other agencies still use them - some almost exclusively.) Although there is no way to know the exact questions that they will ask - I have put together a template that will help you "think" through these scenarios.
I have a quiz that we do in the last 20 minutes or so of our work together - this will prepare you to analyze what the agents who are interviewing you are looking for in the answers - what factor applies to what question.
I welcome questions and will brainstorm with you when you are "stuck" on an example or a story. Having worked with so many law enforcement candidates, I have a great deal of information to pull from.
Please send your stories no more than two per email. You may send up to 16 stories. This assists me in moving through all of them quickly and you get quicker feedback from me. I personally give very straightforward feedback on your stories. This is a service that many people have said made the difference in being prepared or not.
If you would like to share an unlimited number of stories for feedback, please see
the Premier Preparation Package.