Do you know who Christopher Wray is?
I am shocked at how many of the people who are applying for the FBI don’t know who he is.
Christopher A. Wray
American lawyer, and current director of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation
In any job search – for any job – you should be aware of who is running the Agency, Corporation, or Company.
Just wanted to reach out and let you know that I passed my interview! Thank you so much for your help and helping me with my stories! The interview went great and I was very confident and “ran the show” the whole interview! I had them smiling almost the whole time.
Thank you again!
Stories are KEY to answering “Behavioral Questions.”
Most of the FBI interview questions are “behavioral.”
Learn the skill of tell stories and answer Behavioral Questions. Part of my
Program is to “critique” your stories – and I am tough. But, you will know how to tell a good story when we finish our work together.
A book recommendation – quiz book – to teach you how to write a good “behavioral story.”
Easy read with a quiz to see if you can identify a “strong story.” There are no RIGHT or WRONG answers – it’s what they get out of the story – about YOU!
(This book link is included in Premier Package.)
You can purchase on Amazon.
Boost Your Interview IQ – Second Edition (white cover – published – 2012) – for a quick brush up on Behavioral Interviewing as well as other questions. It’s a quiz and you determine which is the strongest answer.

“Boost Your Interview IQ” by Carole Martin provides you with the essential skills and techniques you need to apply in any real life interviewing scenario. If you are truly interested in exploring the fundamentals and learning the essentials of job interviewing, then this book will be an important guide.
Before I read Carole Martin’s book, I must admit that I was lost when it came to interviews. As a young lawyer with three years of experience in my field, I truly thought that I knew everything it took to effectively express myself and market my skills to a potential employer. I had conducted countless client interviews myself, and so I thought I had most question and answer techniques down to a science. But when I flunked my first major interview for a dream job with a prestigious employer, I realized that I needed help from an expert. In hindsight, I wish I had sought out this information earlier. Perhaps because I was too accustomed to being sought out by others as an expert in my own field of law that I did not realize I needed an expert’s advice on basic interview techniques.
I am thankful that I contacted Carole Martin and found her book “Boost Your Interview IQ.” I feel that I have begun the journey towards interview success. In my opinion, learning real life interview techniques should not be about “gimmicks” or “tricks”. Instead, Carole Martin provides a wide-range of examples that point you in the right direction. You will learn through a question and answer technique designed by Carole that will give you a thorough understanding of the basics. Reading this book is the beginning of a journey that will equip you with the essentials of interviewing. So if you are curious about how to interview, then I recommend you read this book first. The rest is up to you!”
A second-timer for the Phase II interview
Hey Carole,
I had the FBI Phase II interview last Thursday and I heard yesterday that I passed!
I think the skills learned by working with you definitely improved my odds.
I felt far more confident going into this panel interview than I did the first time around. I had to morph one story and had to come up with one other story on the fly. They mentioned I cannot give specifics around what I was asked, but I will say your tip to prepare a story about working in a diverse setting did help dig me out of a hole.
I was somewhat worried when I walked out of the interview as I had a couple stories prepared that I thought were important stories about me that I did not have a great opportunity to share, but I guess they heard enough to push me through.
My Thoughts on why I failed the Phase II —-
I realized that these agents had different experiences than me. Not that anyone is better than anyone else because of experience, but that realization made me more confident in myself.
When I did Phase 2 for the Bureau, I put the agents on a massive pedestal and assumed they were so much better than me.
This was a mistake. I know that played a part in my ability to be authentic and my self, for fear I wasn’t going to be good enough for them…as you know, that was self-sabotaging.
Happy to report, I passed the second-time around, after working with Carole.
I PASSSSSSSSSSSED I AM OVER THE MOON. Thank you sooooo much for your help without you I wouldn’t be here today. Just wanted to let you know!!!
PHASE III —- Intelligent Analyst
Hello Carole,
I finally made it to Quantico – and I absolutely love it!
The people are super nice. The food good. The room is comfortable and I really like my roommate.
I didn’t believe it at first but I think you are right – they are looking for people like-minded people who they want to work with.
Thank you again. I never could have done it without you. And your encouragement really meant a lot to me.