I just wanted to let you know that I passed Phase II and I am going through the polygraph, medical exam, etc. I have to say that thanks to you I actually smiled when I walked out of the interview this year. Last year I just wanted to cry.
Comment posted on my LinkedIn profile
“I bet she could get a “goldfish” through the FBI interview.”
I felt so much more prepared and thought to myself, “Man, I nailed it. If that doesn’t get me a passing score, I do not know what will”. I know that may sound cocky, but I had to make myself pause before answering the question to not give the impression that everything was rehearsed.
There was only one question that took me by surprise. When answering the question, I stuck to your 20/60/20 rule and remembered you saying use basic problem solving skills if I get stuck. I was able to incorporate the logic behind the “planning an event” question to give what I felt was a great answer.
Also, you will be proud of this, I was asked very few clarifying/probing questions. The few questions asked were very benign (e.g. “Wow you did all that, did you get paid any extra money?). Last year the clarifying questions felt like nails in my coffin.
Thank you for all of your help. I can truly say that I was VERY prepared and it was money well spent.