A second-timer for the Phase II interview
Hey Carole,
I had the FBI Phase II interview last Thursday and I heard yesterday that I passed!
I think the skills learned by working with you definitely improved my odds.
I felt far more confident going into this panel interview than I did the first time around. I had to morph one story and had to come up with one other story on the fly. They mentioned I cannot give specifics around what I was asked, but I will say your tip to prepare a story about working in a diverse setting did help dig me out of a hole.
I was somewhat worried when I walked out of the interview as I had a couple stories prepared that Ithought were important stories about me that I did not have a great opportunity to share, but I guess they heard enough to push me through.
I just got my results.
I passed!
100% I know it’s because of our sessions together. I can’t thank you enough.
I know it was a little touch and go with me for a while, but your tough love and insights really helped me succeed this time around.
I am so happy that I purchased the coaching. Again, thank you so much for all your help.
A book recommendation – quiz book – to teach you how to write a good “behavioral story.”
You can purchase on Amazon.
Boost Your Interview IQ – Second Edition (white cover – published – 2012) – for a quick brush up on Behavioral Interviewing as well as other questions. It’s a quiz and you determine which is the strongest answer.